Univ. Bremen Prof. C. Lämmerzahl | Hydrodynamics and Accretion Disks (S3, elective, 6 ECTS) |
Learning Outcomes: | |
Knowledge and Understanding: | |
Applying Knowledge and Understanding: | Participants understand the basic principles of hydrodynamics and the application to the description of accretion disks. |
Prerequisites | Basic courses in Physics on mechanics, Introduction to General Relativity |
Program | An introduction into hydrodynamics is given. From basic principles of continuum-theory the Navier-Stokes equation is derived. Using symmetry conditions the nonrelativistic theory of accretion disks is presented. In the second part of the course general relativistic hydrodynamics will be introduced. From general energy momentum tensor the general equations for fluids is derived which split into the general relativistic Navier-Stokes equation and the energy conservation equation. An accretion disks depends on the underlying space-time geometry, the chosen matter model, and the symmetries for the fluid motion. For an ideal fluid the analytic solution for a thick accretion disk is presented. This requires the throughout discussion of circular orbits in the given space-time. Beside thick disks also thin and slim disks are treated. For these disks the quasi-periodic oscillations are discussed. |
Description of how the course is conducted | |
Description of the didactic methods | |
Description of the evaluation methods | |
Adopted Textbooks | A list of references will be provided at the start of the semester. |
Recommended readings |