- The 1st semester can only take place at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”;
- The 2nd semester cannot take place in Rome. Students must choose one of the other 3 Partner Universities.
- The 3rd semester can take place in any of the 4 Consortium Universities.
- Students must spend a semester in each of at least 2 countries that differ from their country of residence at enrolment stage and at least one of which is an EU Member State or a third country associated with the Erasmus+ Programme;
- In each mobility period (semester), students must earn at least 30 ECTS credits.
- The 4th semester is devoted to the Master thesis, that is offered jointly by the Universities where the student spends the 3rd and 4th semester. If a student spends both semesters at the same location, there must be an additional supervisor from another Consortium University.

Gravitation and Cosmology |
Mathematical Methods Radiative Processes Modern Astrophysics Quantum Mechanics Advanced English |
@UBR |
@UBG |
@UCA |
Introduction to General Relativity Introduction to Cosmology Exp. Gravitation Science, astronomy & exploratory missions Remote sensing (3) |
Spectroscopy of Astrophysical Plasmas Introduction to Active Galactic Nuclei Physics of interstellar matter Computational Astrobiology Gravitation and Cosmology (6) |
@UBR |
@UBG |
@UCA |
Numerical Methods for Astrophysics Advanced Cosmology Clusters of Galaxies Gravitational Waves INTERNSHIP for THESIS |
Advanced General Relativity (6) Hydrodynamics and Accretion Disks (6) Geodesy (3) Gravitational lensing (6) +6 ECTS INTERNSHIP for THESIS |
Microscope mission (6) Bepi-Colombo mission (6) Formation and evolution of galaxies (6) Large-scale classification of high-dimensional data (6) INTERNSHIP for THESIS |
@UBR |
@UBG |
@UCA |
Stellar Physics |
Mathematical Methods Radiative Processes Modern Astrophysics Quantum Mechanics Advanced English |
@UBR |
@UBG |
@UCA |
Introduction to General Relativity Introduction to Cosmology Exp. Gravitation Science, astronomy & exploratory missions Stellar Astrophysics |
Spectroscopy of Astrophysical Plasmas Introduction to Active Galactic Nuclei Physics of interstellar matter Computational Astrobiology Introd. to Nucleosynthesis and Particle Astrophysics (6) |
Astronomical Optics Astronomical Techniques Helio & Asteroseismology Stellar atmospheres for helio & asteroseismology Observing the Planet-forming region in Proto-Planetary disks (3) Exoplanet Characterization (3) |
@UBR |
@UBG |
@UCA |
Numerical Methods for Astrophysics (6) Stellar Structure and Evolution (6) Advanced cosmology (6) Habitability & Astrobiology (6) INTERNSHIP for THESIS |
Astrophysical data reduction and analysis (6) Line Shapes in astrophysics (6) Astroinformatics (6) Astrodynamics and space mission (6) Big Data in Space science and its analysis (6) INTERNSHIP for THESIS |
Large-scale classification of high-dimensional data (6) High performance computing for fluid and plasma (6) Chocs in astrophysical plasma (6) Xara-extrem angular resolution astronomy (6) INTERNSHIP for THESIS |
@UBR |
@UBG |
@UCA |
Exoplanets |
Mathematical Methods Radiative Processes Modern Astrophysics Quantum Mechanics Advanced English |
@UBR |
@UBG |
@UCA |
Introduction to General Relativity Introduction to Cosmology Exp. Gravitation Science, astronomy & exploratory missions Space telescopes (3) Remote sensing (3) |
Spectroscopy of Astrophysical Plasmas Introduction to Active Galactic Nuclei Physics of interstellar matter Computational Astrobiology Small Solar System objects (6) |
Astronomical Optics Astronomical Techniques Helio & Asteroseismology Stellar atmospheres for helio & asteroseismology Exoplanet detection (3) Observing the Planet-forming region in Proto-Planetary disks (3) |
@UBR |
@UBG |
@UCA |
Numerical Methods for Astrophysics (6) Exoplanets (6) Habitability & Astrobiology (6) Planetary Sciences & Space Missions (6) INTERNSHIP for THESIS |
Bepi-Colombo Mission (6) Juice missions (6) Large-scale classification of high-dimensional data (6) Observing the Planet-forming region in Proto-Planetary disks (6) INTERNSHIP for THESIS |
@UBR |
@UBG |
@UCA |
High Energy Astrophysics and Compact Objects |
Mathematical Methods Radiative Processes Modern Astrophysics Quantum Mechanics Advanced English |
@UBR |
@UBG |
@UCA |
Introduction to General Relativity Introduction to Cosmology Exp. Gravitation Science, astronomy & exploratory missions Stellar Astrophysics (6) |
Spectroscopy of Astrophysical Plasmas Introduction to Active Galactic Nuclei Physics of interstellar matter Computational Astrobiology Supernovae and their Remnants (6) |
@UBR |
@UBG |
@UCA |
Numerical Methods for Astrophysics (6) Black Holes and Galaxies (6) Clusters of Galaxies (6) Gravitational Waves (6) INTERNSHIP for THESIS |
Advanced General Relativity (6) Black Holes (6) Gravitational lensing (6) Hydrodynamics and Accretion Disks (6) INTERNSHIP for THESIS |
Line shapes in Astrophysics (6) Astrophysical Data Reduction and Analysis Techniques (6) Gravitational Lenses (6) +6 ECTS INTERNSHIP for THESIS |
Formation & Evolution of Galaxies (6) Relativistic gravitation & astrophysics (6) Active Galactic Nuclei and star formation in galaxies (6) High performance computing for fluid and plasma (6) INTERNSHIP for THESIS |
@UBR |
@UBG |
@UCA |
Space Science |
Mathematical Methods Radiative Processes Modern Astrophysics Quantum Mechanics Advanced English |
@UBR |
@UBG |
@UCA |
Introduction to General Relativity Introduction to Cosmology Exp. Gravitation Science, astronomy & exploratory missions Celestial Mechanics (6) |
Spectroscopy of Astrophysical Plasmas Extragalactic Astronomy and Active Galactic Physics of interstellar matte Computational Astrobiology Small Solar System objects (6) |
Astronomical Optics Astronomical Techniques Helio & Asteroseismology Stellar atmospheres for helio & asteroseismology Experimental interferometric recombination with astro-photonics (3) Atmospheric optics (3) |
@UBR |
@UBG |
@UCA |
Numerical Methods for Astrophysics (6) Planetary Sciences & Space Missions (6) Space Weather (6) Space Science (6) INTERNSHIP for THESIS |
Advanced General Relativity (6) Geodesy (3) Global Navigation Satellite System (3) +12 ECTS INTERNSHIP for THESIS |
Astrodynamics and Space Missions (6) Space Robotics (6) Principal design of experimental equipment for microsatellite launching (6) Material characterization in Space (6) INTERNSHIP for THESIS |
THE BEPI-COLOMBO-MISSION (6) Science Mission & Spacecraft Conceptual Design (6) Build a nanosatellite! (6) Free Space Laser Links for Space applications (6) INTERNSHIP for THESIS |
@UBR |
@UBG |
@UCA |
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or granting authority European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.