Univ. Belgrade
Prof. D. Ilić, Dr D. Onić
Astrophysical Data reduction and Analysis Techniques
(S3, elective, 6 ECTS)
Learning Outcomes:Learning important topics in the field of astrophysical data reduction and analysis techniques, through the practical exercises. Student should possess advanced knowledge on the various instruments for astrophysical observations,and is also capable to perform independent data reduction and analysis, appropriate for particular problem of interest.
Knowledge and Understanding:
Obtaining advanced and specific knowledge in the field of astrophysical data reduction and analysis techniques. Student is supposed to perform several projects that are defended at the end of the course.
Applying Knowledge and Understanding:The main objective of this course is learning through practical exercises in astrophysical data reduction and analysis.It is important for students to understand the basic methods of astrophysical data reduction, and to recognize when to apply particular techniques in real data analysis.
ProgramMessengers of information in astronomy & astrophysics. Multi wavelength and multi messenger astronomy & astrophysics. Types of astrophysical data. Instruments for astrophysical observations (collectors, analyzers, and detectors). CCD detectors. Observation preparation and proposal writing. Tools for astrophysical data reduction and analysis. Data reduction in IRAF (optical photometry and spectroscopy), Heasoft (X-ray data reduction and analysis), and related software. An overview of astrostatistics. Testing for correlation. Data modeling and parameter estimation. Basics of time series analysis. Catalogues and selection effects.
Description of how the course is conductedThe main goal of this course is learning through practical exercises in astrophysical data reduction and analysis. For this purpose a set of exercises will be carried out as an individual or small group projects, using IRAF, Heasoft, and related software. These practical sessions will be of a hands-on type. Students are guided through the different steps necessary to solve their particular problems of interest. Theoretical lectures are also to be held during the course, to accompany the content of the main, practical part.
Description of the didactic methodsSee point above
Description of the evaluation methodsStudents will be evaluated through the oral and written presentation of their particular projects that were carried on during the semester.
Adopted TextbooksKitchin, C., R., 2008, Astrophysical Techniques, CRC Press McLean, I., S., 2008, Electronic Imaging in Astronomy, Detectors and Instrumentation, Praxis Publishing Ltd. Howell, S., B., 2006, Handbook of CCD Astronomy, Cambridge University Press Wall, J., W., Jenkins, C., R., 2012, Practical Statistics for Astronomers, Cambridge University Press Feigelson, E., D., Babu, G., J., 2012, Modern Statistical Methods for Astronomy, With R Applications, Cambridge University Press
Recommended readings