Univ. NICE
Prof. G. Metris
MICROSCOPE – Metrology and Dynamics in the Earth’s Environment to Test Gravitation
(S3, elective, 6 ECTS)
Learning Outcomes:In this training we will question the theory of gravitation by studying the following points: (i) limits of General Relativity and needs to extend it, (ii) gravity theories versus experiments, (iii) space as a relevant laboratory to test gravitation, (iv) focus on a flying space mission to test the Equivalence Principle.
Knowledge and Understanding:
To understand the limit of Gen-eral Relativity and investigate some alternative gravity theories. To imagine experimental ways to test the Universality of Free Fall and to find their practical limita-tions. To understand the principle of a space accelerometer and its applications for experimental physics in space.•To model a space experiment to test the Equivalence Principle us-ing accelerometers. To analyze real data from the MICROSCOPE space mission. To learn how to compute the mo-tion of a spacecraft. To know the existence of specific orbits and to understand their advantages.
Applying Knowledge and Understanding:See above
PrerequisitesGeneral relativity, numerical methods, dynamics and planetology, Math/Stat
ProgramTheory: Geometric gravity and the free fall motion problem Dynamics of Artificial satellites
Applications: The microscope space mission.
Description of how the course is conductedFundamental lectures and exercises
Description of the didactic methodsPowerpoints
Description of the evaluation methodsWritten exam based on the lectures Participation note (answers to the exercises, activity in the project) Oral presentation of the project (context, objectives, methods, results)
Adopted TextbooksWill C.M. Theory and experiment in Gravitational Physics, Cambridge University Press, 2018 Microscope website
Recommended readings